Industry News

Queensland businesses will soon benefit from the $35 million program to help businesses save money on their electricity bills. The

SwimStart is a new program designed to increase access to swimming lessons for children between the ages of zero and

This program is helping local sport and active recreation facilities become more safe, accessible, inclusive and efficient.  $45 million in

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has commenced Round 3 of public consultation for the ANZSCO that describes all occupations

HumanAbility is the new national Jobs and Skills Council for Sport and Recreation.  A new organisation, HumanAbility was established by

Jobs and Skills Australia has also released its Jobs and Skills Report 2023 that provides an initial assessment of the

Jobs and Skills Australia has developed a new data Jobs and skills Atlas beta tool that enables users to explore

The Australian Government has released the Employment White Paper, Working Future which provides a roadmap outlining practical actions and reforms

Last week National Cabinet agreed to a five year National Skills Agreement (NSA), which will take effect from January next

The Awards have a distribution network of over 25,000 individuals, businesses and community groups and attracts hundreds of applications each

The Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (DTIS) is pleased to be offering a series of Virtual Workshops to assist

Our partner CLUBMAP is hosting a special free webinar for all Peak National & State Sporting Bodies, all Leagues and