
National Training Framework

There is no one pathway into the sport, fitness and recreation sector. But it’s important to have a strategy to get the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

There are many nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications that provide the skills and training that underpin the workforce of the FSRR industry.

These qualifications are all developed and delivered under a national training framework that includes the following:

Australian Qualifications Framework

The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework. The AQF was introduced in 1995 to underpin the national system of qualifications in Australia encompassing higher education, vocational education and training and schools.

Click here for more information.

National Training Packages

Training packages are developed and reviewed by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) to meet the training needs of an industry, or a group of industries. HumanAbility is the JSC that oversees the development and review of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package. Skills Insight is the JSC that oversees the Racing and Breeding Training Package.

Registered training organisations (RTOs) are authorised to deliver training packages qualifications and units of competency as long as they have the training package product/s on their scope of registration. RTOs may also be Skills Assured Suppliers (previously Pre-Qualified Supplier) under the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training’s Annual VET Investment Plan and be approved to deliver subsidised training to eligible vocational education and training participants.

The SIS – Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package is the relevant training package for fitness, sport and recreation.

The RGR – Racing and Breeding Training Package is the relevant training package for the racing industry.

The training packages provide up-to-date lists of endorsed qualifications, skills sets and competencies for the relevant industry.

Click here for specific sis training package details and to access a list of RTOs approved to deliver the package visit

Click here to access HumanAbility’s website

Click here to access Skills Insight’s website

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

ASQA is the national regulator for vocational education and training. It registers training providers and accredits VET courses to ensure nationally approved standards are met.

Click here for more information about the functions of ASQA