Active Industry Careers Project

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Active Industry Careers Project

Since our last correspondence, AQIA has been successful in securing funding through the Queensland Government’s Workforce Connect Fund (WCF) to develop a Careers website specifically for our industry.  The WCF is an initiative designed to increase investment in industry and community-led projects that address attraction, retention and participation issues within the workforce.

As an industry we are aware of and currently experiencing critical workforce shortages.  The recent impacts of COVID on the fitness, sport and recreation workforce has resulted in many workers leaving the industry and not returning.  The industry is struggling with workforce shortages including critical occupational and skills shortages of fitness professionals, outdoor recreation/education guides and leaders, swimming teachers and other sport coaches.The ACTIVE INDUSTRY CAREER WEBSITE will provide quality information about careers and employment opportunities in the fitness, sport and recreation industry in Queensland.  The portal will provide a single reference point for job seekers (including students, parents/guardians) considering a career in the active industry.  The key objectives of the project are to:

  • Highlight the many career opportunities which are available within the Active Industry.  It will highlight the linkages between school curriculum choices to direct jobs, VET pathways, and higher level education and training options (i.e. higher level VET qualification and Tertiary courses).
  • Promote the industry as a career of choice to the community, particularly targeting high school students, VET Coordinators, Career Advisors, Guidance Officers and parents.
  • Provide stories and interactive information (i.e. podcasts and webinars) about journeys, pathways, experiences of people who currently work in the industry.

The ACTIVE INDUSTRY CAREER WEBSITE will include the following information:

  • Job descriptions/profiles
  • Qualifications required, RTOs, Course Information (content, length etc), access to funded/subsidised/government program information.
  • Career pathways – including VET pathways and links to school curriculum choices
  • Personal Journeys – including videos of people working in a specific fitness, sport and recreation jobs talking about how they obtained their qualifications and what they love about the job
  • Information and stories from Employers, RTOs, AASNs etc.
  • Links to Pod Casts and Webinars that have links to graduate opportunities and working in the industry (e.g. Sports Grad, AFLW SportsReady)

We have engaged a content writer and digital media organisation to assist in the delivery of the project.

We will need your assistance in the near future to provide and share any content relating to job / employee experience and people to talk about their jobs, pathways, work experiences and how they love working in our industry.  If you know of anyone who would like to be involved and share their stories please email us at  The idea is to document and record these stories and share them with the community to promote our industry as a career of choice.